Recent Posts

To Infinity and Beyond!

Once upon a time, I had a kindergartener. He was a sweet, enthusiastic boy with darkening blonde curls, big sparkling blue eyes, and a contagious laugh.  He loved his little red Converse shoes, Veggie Tales, Transformers, and had a thirst for learning new things. Even then, science was his favorite subject. We studied ecosystems: oceans,…

New Discoveries

(Don’t forget to see below for a coupon code for 5% off all WinterPromise programs!)    Our early years of homeschooling were a little rocky, as you’ll recall from my last post. Thankfully, things only got better from there. One day while researching alternatives online, I discovered WinterPromise.  I know it’s so cheesy to say, but…

The Great Curriculum Hunt

Each Spring, as one school year begins to wind down, the curriculum sellers from all over begin their annual Homeschool Sales. Everything for less!! Buy Here!! Right?  Only when you go to look, their sale prices are rarely any less expensive than if you bought straight from the publisher themselves.  Such is the game. I actually…