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What Would You Ask? One Question for Jesus

What One Question would you ask Jesus?

During the course of Jesus’ three-year ministry, his twelve disciples spent nearly every day with Him. They could’ve asked Him to teach them anything. What did they ask?

We Will Not be Overtaken: Trusting God in Times of Trouble

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed listening to all the violence, destruction and dissension among us. What can we do, other than take a deep breath and know that this too, shall pass?

Making Each Day Count: A Quarantine Blessing

How to make the most of this extra time with your children

Have you been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately?   I have.  I’m having a tough time wrapping my mind around the idea that something this crazy and monumental can still happen in the 21st century.  The world has halted, sports and other events have been put on hold, school is taught at home…

The Star Thrower: Making a Difference

Writer Loren Eisley wrote in his book “The Star Thrower,” this oft-quoted story: Once, on ancient Earth, there was a human boy walking along a beach. There had just been a storm, and many starfish had been scattered along the sands. The boy knew the fish would die, so he began to fling them back…

What True Love Is

Once upon a time, there were two children who were precious to their Father. He doted on them and gave them everything they desired. They had love, a beautiful home, plenty of food, many friends, and were well protected. But the children were just not content. They wanted more. The Father reminded them that they…

Topics: Faith, Holiday

Testing Day

I don’t know who’s more nervous: Rocketboy, or me. Actually, yes I do. I’m more nervous. Today he’s taking his first-ever standardized test. Homeschoolers in Missouri aren’t required to take these tests like some states are, but I figured with him skipping eighth grade this fall and starting high school level work, it’d be as…