Recent Posts about Goals

The REAL Heroes of the Pandemic

Who are the real heroes of this pandemic?

Healthcare workers, grocery and food-service workers, utility workers, internet service providers, truckers, delivery drivers, sanitation workers, the ladies sewing mask after mask and asking nothing in return, police, fire, postal service workers, manufacturing plant workers, those who work in the media, bankers, teachers, parents… all heroes during this time.  I’m sure I’ve missed a few,…

The Star Thrower: Making a Difference

Writer Loren Eisley wrote in his book “The Star Thrower,” this oft-quoted story: Once, on ancient Earth, there was a human boy walking along a beach. There had just been a storm, and many starfish had been scattered along the sands. The boy knew the fish would die, so he began to fling them back…

Though a Mirror Darkly: Looking Forward

“For now, we can only see darkly, as though we’re looking through a mirror, but a time is coming when we will see clearly, face to face.”  1 Corinthians 13:12a December 31, 2018 A Note from Dee: The Chickadee Nest has been active for a full year now, and what a year it has been!  First of all,…

Hope in Spite of Weariness: Finding Strength

  It’s so beautiful outside!  The trees are all scarlet and golden and bright oranges this year. The leaves have been falling in what the kidlets like to call “leaf storms,” swirling and flying every direction on their way down. Soon we’ll make huge piles of them, and I’ll do our annual leaf photo-shoot with…

Be the Calm Mom: 5 Tips to Help De-stress

“Motherhood is not a hobby. It is a calling. It is not something we do if we can squeeze the time in. It is what God has given you time for.” -Neil Anderson Sometimes life for a can feel like a constant stream of requests and demands, non-stop mommy-taxi service, errands, “have-to-do’s” and appointments. It’s…

Too Busy, Busy, Busy!!

This has been a week of nonstop places to go, people to see, activities and classes, projects and practices!  Soccer started this week, so now we’ve got that added to the calendar, along with our usual school day, weekly classes and extracurricular activities. We’ve made it through the typical “February Slump” of Homeschooling, the month that…

Prelude to Spring Cleaning

Well, it almost felt like Spring there for a week or so!  Today we’re back in the deep freeze with snow blowing nearly 40 miles per hour.  Wow!  Having the kiddos back inside today after last week’s taste of spring is tough! Being homeschoolers means the kids are home more often than not anyway, and…

Spark of Interest

This afternoon while Ottergirl was at piano lessons, I had the chance to talk to another homeschooled child who is about Rocketboy’s age. He sat down next to me, book in hand, (which is another common homeschooled-kid trait that I love… those books go everywhere with them! Car rides- no matter how short, visits to…