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Decisions, Decisions: Education in 2020

Parents face some tough decisions due to the new Covid precaution procedures implemented this fall. Should you keep your children in public school and follow all the requirements? Or should you opt for virtual offerings or homeschool?

The REAL Heroes of the Pandemic

Who are the real heroes of this pandemic?

Healthcare workers, grocery and food-service workers, utility workers, internet service providers, truckers, delivery drivers, sanitation workers, the ladies sewing mask after mask and asking nothing in return, police, fire, postal service workers, manufacturing plant workers, those who work in the media, bankers, teachers, parents… all heroes during this time.  I’m sure I’ve missed a few,…

Making it Happen: Being an Advocate for your Home-schooled Child

Sometimes you just gotta do it yourself.  One thing I’ve learned about homeschooling over the past 9 years is that Homeschooling Mamas will jump through all kinds of hoops to give their kidlets a good, customized education.  That’s one of the best things that differentiates homeschooling from “away-from-home” schooling, in my opinion.  We focus on…

Is it Back to School Time Already?

Summer seems to have whizzed by this year! I don’t know if it was because we went straight from snow to heatwave, with no springtime here, or that the retailers actually put the school supplies out early or what, but I just can’t believe we’re at that time already! Thankfully, our little homeschool family has…

Opening a New World: Teaching a Child to Read

I’ve always been a big reader.  I remember learning to read in Kindergarten, and I loved reading so well that my teacher sent stacks of yellow “I See Sam” readers home with me to read over the summer between Kindy & first grade.  I loved it. Growing up, it was the Cat in the Hat,…

Geocaching: A Family Treasure Hunt

Geocaching:  Using multi-million dollar government satellites to find Tupperware in the woods.  You’ve probably heard of Geocaching, but what exactly is it? Bumper-sticker slogans aside, Geocaching is a fun and inexpensive way for both parents and kids alike to get out of the house and out into nature.  The official definition from the Geocaching website…

Homeschooling: A Bold & Beautiful Choice

Today I had a meeting of the mom-minds…  with some terribly wise ladies who have “been there done that” with this whole homeschooling high-school thing.  Stepping past that milestone this fall is a big thing for me, knowing that I’m now going to be responsible for not only keeping track of school hours (Missouri thing!)…

Fun in the Sun: Playing in the Dirt with your Kids

My kids are pretty picky eaters. They weren’t always that way though. There was a time when Ottergirl was a toddler, that she and Rocketboy would get into the garden and eat all my tomatoes before I could even harvest them. It’d become a backyard tradition for them: go out to play, snack on some fresh…