Recent Posts about Recipes

Creative Solutions: Leftover Cereal Bars Recipe

cereal bars recipe

The Problem: I think any mom will tell you: one of the most annoying things to find, (other than clothes that are still folded being put back in the laundry room to be washed!) is when you reach into your pantry for something and come back with an empty box.  Hello kidlets!  If you empty…

Keeping Christmas (And a Cookie Recipe!)

Remember when you were a kid, and Christmas and the holiday season seemed so magical? Putting up the lights and Christmas tree, baking cookies, family gatherings, it was all something wonderful. Do you remember when that changed? When did the magic leave?

Chickadee’s Ten Favorite Cold-Weather Recipes

I don’t know about where you are, but here in Missouri, it seemed to jump from summer to winter pretty quickly this year!  We went from temps in the 90s and probably got two or three days of autumn-like temperatures before we were hit with our first snow… already!  While I prefer the slightly warmer…

Snow Days: Enjoying the Beauty of Winter

A week ago, we got a good six inches of the white stuff. Today, the forecast is calling for another eight inches on top of the snow that’s left. To someone who didn’t grow up with snow every winter, (I think we had snow 2 or 3 times in the 16 years I lived in southern California!) snow is an exciting event!  It’s been a few years since we’ve had a snowy winter like this one here in Missouri!

Chickadee’s Good-as-Restaurant Shredded Beef Enchiladas

I know this isn’t a food blog by any means, but every now and then I like to share a recipe or two.  You can rest assured I’ll only post recipes I’ve truly kitchen-tested and that have passed the stringent Chickadee-Family approval test. 😉  With three kiddos, it’s a tough test for sure! We can all use…

Topics: Recipes

Chickadee’s Dandelion Jelly

I love dandelions! When the girls were small, we used to call dandelions “Wishing Flowers,” when they were white, and we would make chains, bracelets, necklaces, and crowns out of them when they were golden.  Even now that the girls are a little older, where some people see weeds, I see tiny golden puffs of…

Topics: Recipes

Resurrection Rolls

With Easter (and April Fool’s Day!) coming up soon in a couple weeks, I’m sure there will be a plethora of posts about different holiday traditions (and pranks! Don’t forget those!) but despite that, I wanted to share a fun tradition that the kidlets and I have done for the past several years. Resurrection Rolls! …

Cooking Under Pressure

A year ago this Christmas I got a pressure cooker from my parents.  The fad hadn’t hit full force then yet, so I was a little unsure about the whole thing.  I had an image in my head from when I was young… mom’s noisy old pressure cooker was on the stove hissing away, and…