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10 Hints from the Master Gardeners

The kidlets have had another great year of Garden & Grow through our local University Extension. The class is taught by the Extension’s own Master Gardeners, and kids have learned so much that I thought I’d share some of those great gardening tips here…

Topics: Gardening

Six Quick Ways to be Garden-Ready for Spring

Welcome to the first day of Spring! It’s finally here! This winter was one of snow and ice and sleet and more snow for us! It was the most wintery-winter we’ve had here in Missouri in years! Most people were ready for warmer temps, but surprisingly I found myself enjoying it, for the most part….

Topics: Gardening

Grow Where You Are Planted

We have a tiny garden.  We live smack-dab in the middle of a medium-sized city, so we don’t have the room for a huge garden like I’d like. That’s probably a good thing, as I don’t know if I’d be able to keep up with much of a bigger garden than we have! Early this…

Fun in the Sun: Playing in the Dirt with your Kids

My kids are pretty picky eaters. They weren’t always that way though. There was a time when Ottergirl was a toddler, that she and Rocketboy would get into the garden and eat all my tomatoes before I could even harvest them. It’d become a backyard tradition for them: go out to play, snack on some fresh…

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I’ve planted tomatoes every spring for as long as I can remember.  There’s just something wonderful about that bright deep red color you get when you slice into a home-grown tomato.  And the sweetness… it’s something the grocery store doesn’t even come close to matching.   I even love the scent of a tomato plant.  You…

Topics: Gardening