Adapting Gracefully to a New Normal

How do we adapt gracefully to this new normal?

*Just FYI… in a lot of this blog post, I am writing to myself! Ha!

At the date of this writing, there are no cases of the coronavirus in my county.  I watch policy and opinion both being batted back and forth on social media while school children and workers across the nation are being taken out of familiar routines into a new normal… children having to be unexpectedly homeschooled by an equally surprised and (needing to adjust to the idea themselves) mom and dad as teachers.  As normal routines are further disrupted, kiddo’s activities, work schedules, church services, sports, doctor, dentist, orthodontist appointments, dog training/grooming sessions, monthly meet-ups, etc. are canceled for an undetermined period of time-  how should we respond?

My initial response was to get angry.  It wasn’t something as conscious as “How dare this tiny, microscopic little virus disrupt my kiddo’s learning and activity schedule, and disrupt our family life like this!?” but it made me mad all the same.  I’m still mad about it and about all the rumors that are flying… don’t even bother trying to set anyone straight on misinformation online if they’ve decided coronavirus is transmitted like the cooties or some such thing- but in the midst of all the madness, we need to remember that our Lord is still on the throne and nothing… absolutely nothing catches Him off guard.

He is not surprised by this virus and how it was spread across the world.  He is not surprised that these horrible things that we usually watch happen from a distance on the news have suddenly come to impact our own way of life and our own families.  How selfish of us it was to assume that something like this never would?

Don’t get me wrong, our family is stocked up on groceries. As a “survivor” of various minor earthquakes as a child, Y2K, 9/11 and with such events hypothetically always in the background, I’ve always felt it was important to keep some extra food on hand.  Did I ever think something would actually happen that we’d need that buffer?  Of course not.

We are safe in our home, and can step out for a hike and some sunshine and fresh air without having to worry about crowds or being unsafe.  That isn’t the situation everywhere though.  I am thankful for the many blessings we have, we have an awesome church family, our family is healthy, and Computer Guy is able to work from home, so we aren’t in a financial bind, and our dogs are loving all the extra attention!   Thank you, Lord!

Whether society is truly “apocalypsing” around us, or if this is merely just another blip on the radar of our lives remains to be seen.  In the meantime, those precious kiddos of ours need us to lead by example, even if that’s easier said than done sometimes!

I’m a control-freak. I admit it. I like to be in control. I like to make lists. I like to have my schedule set.  I like to plan far, far ahead.  In this time of such uncertainty though, how do I adapt?  When things outside my control affect my little bubble of influence, I get stressed.  I’ve never been good at “letting go and letting God…”

But then I’m reminded that we can’t lean on our own limited understanding, and instead, we need to lean on Him, (Proverbs 3:5-6)  while “casting all our cares” on him.  (1 Peter 5:7) Our thoughts are not His thoughts, and our piddly little ways are not His ways. (Isaiah 55:8)  We need to remember that God works ALL things for good, (Romans 8:28) even when the end result is dim and beyond our current understanding.

Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns—and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifespan? 

Matthew 6:26-27

So I’m working on it.  I’m a work in progress.  I’m learning to live gracefully in this new normal of ours.

Spring Break is over here this week for the “away schoolers,” and from what I hear most of our local school districts have done an amazing job gathering resources to support these kiddos both online and by mailing work to student’s homes.  One thing that I think may come as a surprise to parents not used to homeschooling though, is that schoolwork like this does not take up a full workday!  It’s with this in mind that I’ve compiled a list of some fun educational opportunities.  So many educational companies and organizations are generously offering their services free of charge during this trying time!  If you’re on The Chickadee Nest’s Facebook page, check the link.  I hope you can make use of some of these.  Let me know!

I’d love to hear your creative ideas to keep your kidlets busy and engaged during this trying time! How is your situation? If there is anything we can pray specifically about for you, I hope you please drop me a line!

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One response to “Adapting Gracefully to a New Normal”

  1. Deb says:

    My day to day life really hasn’t changed much! We already homeschool, so no change there, and I really don’t go out much…I’m a homebody by nature. The main difference is live streaming Church! But it is strange to think of most of our country and a big part of the world being almost shut down. I see it as a glimpse into the future and end times. People need to be ready.

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