Recent Posts

Is it Back to School Time Already?

Summer seems to have whizzed by this year! I don’t know if it was because we went straight from snow to heatwave, with no springtime here, or that the retailers actually put the school supplies out early or what, but I just can’t believe we’re at that time already! Thankfully, our little homeschool family has…

Homeschooling: A Bold & Beautiful Choice

Today I had a meeting of the mom-minds…  with some terribly wise ladies who have “been there done that” with this whole homeschooling high-school thing.  Stepping past that milestone this fall is a big thing for me, knowing that I’m now going to be responsible for not only keeping track of school hours (Missouri thing!)…

Homeschooling is a Journey

People who aren’t familiar with the homeschooling lifestyle often ask questions.  Sometimes they are questions of pure curiosity, and other times they are less amicable with some sort of misguided agenda they want to promote… but often both of these groups of people start with the question of whether or not homeschool kids are really…

New Discoveries

(Don’t forget to see below for a coupon code for 5% off all WinterPromise programs!)    Our early years of homeschooling were a little rocky, as you’ll recall from my last post. Thankfully, things only got better from there. One day while researching alternatives online, I discovered WinterPromise.  I know it’s so cheesy to say, but…

The Great Curriculum Hunt

Each Spring, as one school year begins to wind down, the curriculum sellers from all over begin their annual Homeschool Sales. Everything for less!! Buy Here!! Right?  Only when you go to look, their sale prices are rarely any less expensive than if you bought straight from the publisher themselves.  Such is the game. I actually…

Spark of Interest

This afternoon while Ottergirl was at piano lessons, I had the chance to talk to another homeschooled child who is about Rocketboy’s age. He sat down next to me, book in hand, (which is another common homeschooled-kid trait that I love… those books go everywhere with them! Car rides- no matter how short, visits to…

Five Methods of Homeschooling

  Thinking of Homeschooling your kids?  Where do you start?  There are sooo many places to look, and sooo many curriculum publishers, if you don’t have someone to help guide you through the maze, it’d be easy to get lost! In the beginning with our family, I remember doing tons and tons of research… and…