Recent Posts about Everyday Life

The Blessings of March

March has always been a special month for me.  As a child, I always looked forward to it because it was my birthday month.  Happy Birthday to me!  But more than that, it was the month I always associated with daffodils.  My mom is a flower lady.  Thanks to her I’ve always had a love…

This Week We Say Goodbye

It’s been a hard week for our family.  Some of us were fighting off colds and flu, which is in itself bad enough, but that’s never how these things work, is it?  Read with us as ComputerGuy offers a last tribute to his Grandpa Al. This week we say our final goodbyes to my grandfather….

To My Valentine

  “Be careful who you meet that first week of college,” my mom cautioned.  “People meet their future spouses the first week of college…” I may or may not have rolled my eyes at her advice.  That wasn’t my goal in going to college.  I was going to go, study, play some soccer, and come…

Spark of Interest

This afternoon while Ottergirl was at piano lessons, I had the chance to talk to another homeschooled child who is about Rocketboy’s age. He sat down next to me, book in hand, (which is another common homeschooled-kid trait that I love… those books go everywhere with them! Car rides- no matter how short, visits to…

The Joy of Being Mom to a Boy

  A couple days ago, the kids were getting a little bit cabin feverish, so I let them go outside after their school work was done.  It wasn’t warm out, around 40, but compared to the freakishly cold temperatures we’ve been having so far this winter it must’ve felt like springtime out there to them. …

Job Interview Jitters

So I’ve managed to finagle myself a job interview later this week.  It’s for a part-time evening teaching position at a new community college here in town.  Now, you guys know me… I’m a homeschool mom.  Been one since the beginning.  Pre-K even.  So you know that means I’ve been off the job market for…

Cooking Under Pressure

A year ago this Christmas I got a pressure cooker from my parents.  The fad hadn’t hit full force then yet, so I was a little unsure about the whole thing.  I had an image in my head from when I was young… mom’s noisy old pressure cooker was on the stove hissing away, and…

Winter Warmth

Since I missed out on 16 years of snow and ice and wind chills and these lovely freezing temperatures when I was a kid growing up out west, I like to think I’m making up for it now.   I’m not a fan of the cold temps at all… but give me a nice, deep snow…