A Worthy Role: A SAHM’s Education is Never Wasted


For those of you who are “Stay at Home” Moms, let me ask… what is your purpose?  Your God-given calling in life? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you really making a difference in the world?  I saw a T-shirt one time that made me laugh.  It said: “Moms: Changing the World… One diaper at a time.”

I remember those days, not so long ago. Where it seemed all I did was cook meals, sleep, (ok, not much sleep in there!) and change diapers. And although those “night-shift days” were hard, I admit I miss them now that the kidlets are older.  There’s something sweet and innocent about staying at home, taking care of someone whose first emotion upon waking is joy upon seeing you with a smile that lights up the room. I loved being able to take walks with someone who saw the flowers and the trees and the birds and the beauty of the world for the first time.   It’s wonderful to see through their eyes at that age… kinda makes the scales fall away from our jaded grown-up eyes.

But now that they are older, there are new wonderful things.  Watching them try new skills and learn new things.  Homeschooling affords us the opportunity to be there to watch when that “lightbulb” flares on for the first time, when they finally “get” that new math concept, or become fluent readers.  It’s something I wouldn’t trade for anything.

There are many moms who are employed for more hours than they would like to be; mothers who yearn to give more of themselves to their children.  And there are many stay-at-home moms who wonder if their day-to-day investment even matters.

Did I go to college and grad school to become a “SAHM”?  No, of course not.  I got my degrees in political science-related fields, so no, not much help in teaching a child to read or to tie their shoes.  Was my education wasted? Again, of course not!  I worked for several years before kids, but that by itself wasn’t enough to justify my education.

Had I had a signed, sealed and delivered telegram from God Himself back when I was 18 and deciding a major in college would I have changed the direction my education had gone?  Probably… I definitely would have been more practical instead of just following a field I was interested in, and taking a few child development classes would have helped; but at the same time, I don’t feel like I’m missing all that much.  I use the skills I picked up in college every day I teach the kiddos.  I share a love of history and social sciences with them. We use research and computer skills.  They know the value of a good education. No education is ever wasted.

During an ordinary day, a mother will teach her children lessons of health and safety making her the central influence in preserving and nurturing life.  How the mother speaks in day-to-day interactions expressing, explaining, dealing with everyday situations will influence a child’s cognitive development. Her sensitivity, responsiveness, and reaction to emotion make her the foundation of a child’s emotional intelligence… all things that will affect them the rest of their lives.  And most importantly, the mother’s faith will be an example to her children.  Who does the mother turn to in times of uncertainty?  With her example, they too learn to turn to prayer in times of need, or in times of joy!

It’s not “politically correct” to say these days, but a SAHM’s education does obviously matter.  Her influence is woven into the hearts, minds, and bodies of her children every day, and that, in effect, changes the world.

“The foundations of national Morality must be laid in private families. In vain are Schools, Academies and universities instituted if loose Principles and licentious habits are impressed upon Children in their earliest years. The Mothers are the earliest and most important Instructors of youth.” -President John Adams, 1798

Are you a SAHM? How has your education helped you to be a better parent to your children?


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3 responses to “A Worthy Role: A SAHM’s Education is Never Wasted”

  1. This was beautiful insight into a mother’s education and applying it to her family. I really appreciated it!

  2. Gothelittle says:

    Yes, before becoming a full-time SAHM, I earned my associate’s in Computer Systems Technology and my bachelor’s in Computer Science. I also worked for several years in my field, my last full-time job title being ‘Software Engineer’.

    Sounds like a funny education to benefit a SAHM, doesn’t it?

    It has definitely been of use. Good programming practices require you to break down a problem into sections, to ask yourself where you can write one function to be frequently re-used (efficiency), and how to think your way through finding bugs that appear intermittently and test your code thoroughly. One of my jobs involved training as a quality engineer, while another put me in charge of a computer lab (while I was earning the B.S.).

    More than that, though, it helped me hone my organizational skills and understand the way the education system works, and gave me extra practice in training my brain for independent study, extremely useful skills as I have found myself homeschooling special-needs children. On top of that, it gave me the credentials I needed to hold periodic part-time jobs as an algebra tutor and an adjunct college professor, good ways to earn a little side income or allow me to support myself if I outlive my husband.

    As an extra bonus to following my interest in computers and computing services, I have been able to get the jump on teaching Internet Safety and using technology to get around the ways that kids might try to get around their parents and get into things online that they shouldn’t. (One kid tried only to find that, instead of the application being blocked by a child-safety app which could be found and disabled, the computer itself had actually been instructed at a deeper level to forget how to find or install it…)

    My grandmother (who passed away just this year, I miss her greatly) believed strongly in all women having a college education, even if they pledged themselves to be SAHM’s. (Her point was not that they should extend their adolescence and take on student loans, but that they should be capable of taking on wage-earning just in case the skill was ever needed.) I don’t push a college degree, specifically, for any SAHM, but I do believe strongly that a solid education is invaluable to her and that, indeed, no education (formal or not) is ever wasted.

  3. I am a stay at home mom to two rowdy, cuddly, sweet little boys. I have often wondered if my education was worth anything as a SAHM. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words on the topic. Exactly what I needed to hear!

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