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Cold Weather Motivations

This is the hardest time of year for me. The holidays are over, the decorations are packed away, and the snow (if you’ve got any!) doesn’t seem so pretty anymore. I’m ready for some sunshine! Less than sixty days until those warm temps and bright days! Woo-hoo! Gotta work on keeping that in mind to…

Five Methods of Homeschooling

  Thinking of Homeschooling your kids?  Where do you start?  There are sooo many places to look, and sooo many curriculum publishers, if you don’t have someone to help guide you through the maze, it’d be easy to get lost! In the beginning with our family, I remember doing tons and tons of research… and…

Winter Warmth

Since I missed out on 16 years of snow and ice and wind chills and these lovely freezing temperatures when I was a kid growing up out west, I like to think I’m making up for it now.   I’m not a fan of the cold temps at all… but give me a nice, deep snow…


As I look around the blogosphere (isn’t that a trendy word?) this New Year,  I’ve noticed more and more posts, not on New Year’s Resolutions, but instead a different but similar idea: choosing a “Word of the Year.” The idea is to pick a word that will speak to what sort of year you’d like…

Introductions & Salsa

Let me introduce myself real quick since I know you’re probably new here.  Then I’ll share my famous Salsa recipe.  (Well, famous around here anyway!) 😉 I’m a Homeschooling Mama.  That’s my current job title, along with Wife & Mom.  I’m trying to add Blogger too, but we’ll see how that goes.  I’ve got two…

Topics: Recipes

R & R

“Peace doesn’t mean to be in a place where there’s no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things, and despite them, calm resides in your heart.” When I was young, peace wasn’t something that even registered on my radar.  Not consciously, at least.  I’ve always been an…

Money Savers

  There are so many sites out there designed to save us money.  To me though, it has to be worth the time and not be too complicated to make it worthwhile.  I don’t like jumping through a bunch of hoops.  Call me lazy, I guess.  Two programs that I’ve found that do a great…

Topics: Bargains
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