Recent Posts about Faith

Heart and Home: Fostering a Culture of Open Arms

Those of you who know me, know that I have a heart for kids.  I mean, I only spend every waking moment with my three as we homeschool, so yeah… you’ve seen those memes that talk about the moms who celebrate their kids going back to school?  I cringe when I hear all the people…

Finding Sanctuary: Making Your Home a Place of Peace

  More and more these days I find myself thinking of the world that my kiddos are growing up in.  I’m sure my parents and generations before them probably have had the same thoughts; that the world is getting worse and worse and that things are not getting better… what kind of a world are…

The Star Thrower: Making a Difference

Writer Loren Eisley wrote in his book “The Star Thrower,” this oft-quoted story: Once, on ancient Earth, there was a human boy walking along a beach. There had just been a storm, and many starfish had been scattered along the sands. The boy knew the fish would die, so he began to fling them back…

A Worthy Role: A SAHM’s Education is Never Wasted

  For those of you who are “Stay at Home” Moms, let me ask… what is your purpose?  Your God-given calling in life? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you really making a difference in the world?  I saw a T-shirt one time that made me laugh.  It said: “Moms: Changing the World… One diaper at…

What True Love Is

Once upon a time, there were two children who were precious to their Father. He doted on them and gave them everything they desired. They had love, a beautiful home, plenty of food, many friends, and were well protected. But the children were just not content. They wanted more. The Father reminded them that they…

Topics: Faith, Holiday

Hello December!

Although Spring is the best season; December is one of my favorite months! I do not love December for the weather, although I’ve lived in the Midwest most of my life– I’m a native southern Californian and will never acclimate to the cold temperatures!  If it’s gotta be cold, I at least want some snow,…

Having an Attitude of Gratitude

  I love the attitude of gratitude that November brings as the Thanksgiving draws near.   The air is full of anticipation with the holidays coming, and gratefulness for the things we have.  Some people like to post a “gratitude” a day on social media, but knowing me, I’d forget a day or two here and…

Hope in Spite of Weariness: Finding Strength

  It’s so beautiful outside!  The trees are all scarlet and golden and bright oranges this year. The leaves have been falling in what the kidlets like to call “leaf storms,” swirling and flying every direction on their way down. Soon we’ll make huge piles of them, and I’ll do our annual leaf photo-shoot with…