Recent Posts about Parenting

A Worthy Role: A SAHM’s Education is Never Wasted

  For those of you who are “Stay at Home” Moms, let me ask… what is your purpose?  Your God-given calling in life? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you really making a difference in the world?  I saw a T-shirt one time that made me laugh.  It said: “Moms: Changing the World… One diaper at…

Just Add Water: How One Simple Ingredient Solves Much

Can you believe summer is winding down already?  Back to school sales, tax-free weekends, pencils, crayons and notebooks and talk of teachers getting their classrooms ready.  I’ve even heard some talk about pumpkin spice already!  Didn’t we just finish up our school year?  Didn’t summer just get here?  Why do these lazier days seem to…

Snow Days: Enjoying the Beauty of Winter

A week ago, we got a good six inches of the white stuff. Today, the forecast is calling for another eight inches on top of the snow that’s left. To someone who didn’t grow up with snow every winter, (I think we had snow 2 or 3 times in the 16 years I lived in southern California!) snow is an exciting event!  It’s been a few years since we’ve had a snowy winter like this one here in Missouri!

A Good Father

I spent the afternoon today going through years of photos.  So many sweet memories.  For years I had wanted to put up a series of pics of the kidlets all at the same age, and today it finally got accomplished.  One pic per kiddo, each taken at their first birthday. It took longer than it…

Topics: Family, Parenting

First Aid for Moms: Stop the Comparison Game

Some days make it harder to be a mom than others.  Yesterday, Memorial Day, was one of those days.  We were visiting my parents and my sweet little Fixergirl had an accident at the neighborhood pool and managed to bonk her chin on the side while jumping in, requiring her fourth set of stitches or…

A Mother’s Love

One week from tomorrow, I’ll have been a Mom for 13 years.  13 whole years.  My sweet little Rocketboy is now a huge kid taller than me, who wears size 14 shoes.  Sometimes it seems like I can still picture so clearly, the earnest little blonde toddler lining up his Hot Wheel cars in “parking…

Resurrection Rolls

With Easter (and April Fool’s Day!) coming up soon in a couple weeks, I’m sure there will be a plethora of posts about different holiday traditions (and pranks! Don’t forget those!) but despite that, I wanted to share a fun tradition that the kidlets and I have done for the past several years. Resurrection Rolls! …

The Blessings of March

March has always been a special month for me.  As a child, I always looked forward to it because it was my birthday month.  Happy Birthday to me!  But more than that, it was the month I always associated with daffodils.  My mom is a flower lady.  Thanks to her I’ve always had a love…